Friday, April 26, 2013



Today I did NOT want to get up and go canning-- ONLY because it was raining! But I pulled myself out of the bed and took Olsen along for our Friday morning route. 
He's looking for that black cat again! We haven't seen it for almost three weeks.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten that all of the gloves were in the garage drying from our birthday/crushing party the other night {HERE}. I searched the truck at my first stop and was thinking that I was going to have to go home to get a pair of gloves when I saw some leather gloves under the seat!!! HOOOOOOOORAY:) These leather gloves belong to Kates-- and I don't know how to wash them so we always just throw them back into the truck! Thank goodness we did-- I wouldn't have had any gloves for today's messy collection!

And I say that today was messy... but really it was just waterlogged. It had been raining for about 24 hours... and water collects at the bottom of the bins... so when we dig through for cans, our gloves get wet! And man oh man did my gloves {Kates' gloves actually} get wet! It was soooooo gross!
You know it's bad when the leather gloves are soaked so much that water starts to collect in the finger holes! EWWWWWWWWW! 

I guess I'm gonna have to find out how to wash leather gloves!! I can't give these back to her like this:)

***UPDATE: 4/5/13: I washed ALL of the gloves!! They are ready for use again... except for Kates' gloves! I still don't know how to clean leather!! 

Catching Up


So.... the other day I posted that we were a bit behind {HERE}! 

Well NOT ANY MORE!!!!!!! 
Most of these posts are about three weeks behind but at least I'm caught up with dates/photos/happenings! LOL!

I spent a good three hours (possibly more) writing all of these posts the other night. I hope that this will help us stay on track!! There's so much to share and not enough time for me to get it all done:)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Birthday x2 plus a Crushing party


HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPY birthday, Kates and Jared!!! How cool is that?? They are married and share the same birthday:)

We really wanted to celebrate them so we asked what they wanted to do for their birthday. Guess what their answer was?!!??

Crushing party with hot dogs and a bounce house/pony/ice cream/cake

WOW! That's a true Canning President and King--wanting to "can" on your birthday!!!

Tami and I picked up Kates for the Monday night route-- and Tami (who usually is a front seat snob- not really!!!) let Kates sit up front!!! LOL!

That was so sweet, Tami:)

Tonight's goal-- I wanted to make it all about Kates and Jared.... well for the canning route, mostly about Kates! So I took ALLLLLLLL kinds of photos of her:)
By this time... she was like, "Really Sav???" So I stopped taking photos of just her:)

Once we got home, Jason/Jacob and Jared joined in the fun. It was time to CRUSH!!! We haven't had a crushing party in FOREVER!!! But we decided that we are going to bring those back--esp. since it's lighter out and tons of fun:)
This was Jason/Tami/Jacob's first time crushing-- Jacob had to go home to get gloves so that he could pick up cans! I really need a set of kid's gloves in the truck!
It's hard to take pics while crushing-- everyone moves so fast!
Tami and Jason did a fab job with crushing... Jacob got a bit distracted:) I think he still had fun though!
Once Jacob joined back in the fun, he couldn't get this can off his shoe. He gave me the thumbs up and said that he had a "can shoe"! LOL! 

It really didn't take us long to crush! It really helps to have two extra people!!

Now... it was time to PARTY!!!!!!!! We had hot dogs, chips and dip, beans, grilled asparagus, and cupcakes. 
So did Jared and Kates have a good birthday??? Did we fulfill their birthday wishes??? Well, not really! The pony was double booked and Tami didn't get the bounce house.... and I forgot to pick up ice cream! LOL!

Happy birthday, Jared/Kates!!! We hope you enjoyed your special day!! We LOVE you guys!! Psalm 118:24

Click HERE for a funny birthday video-- Gotta love the dog dancing!! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

ANOTHER New Canning Crew Member


This week has been super busy for Trav and I-- between work and multiple practices and meetings for Easter services.... I just didn't have time to run the Thursday night route. 

That's ok!!! Tami and Jason stepped in and helped out, and they even passed out Easter flyers!! Gotta love the Canning Crew:)

And they brought a new furry/fuzzy friend with them-- Leroy (their pup)!!! This was his first time canning. 
Look at how much fun he was having with Jacob:)

Thanks, Horvath family!! You are the BESTEST!!!!!!! <3

Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Canning Crew Newbie x2


Tonight we had some special friends join in the Canning fun!!! 
Kates' niece, Olivia, and Sister-In-Law, Pam, helped us on our Monday night route. This was super nice because they were down for VACATION!!! They def. didn't have to come along and work... but they DID:)

And when we have new Canning Crew members join on the routes, I usually make them do all the work:) Tonight we even had extra work to do-- we were collecting cans and passing out our Easter flyers (our goal was to invite everyone on each route to our Good Friday and Easter services). 
How cute is Olivia??!! <3

Also, when new members join in the fun, we have to explain how to collect and bag the cans, how to keep your eyes out for cans, and some of the funny stories that we encountered in the past during our routes. 

Olivia and Pam rocked collecting and bagging the cans!
Look at the large gloves on Olivia's hands!!! LOL! I need to remember to keep some children sized gloves in the truck:)

I would also say that they had "eagle eyes" for cans while we drove around! Here's some pics of Pam spotting a can.. 
and then she was missing... 
that's because she found MORE in the woods! 
Good eye, Pam!!

I love this pic of Kates going to pass out our flyer-- you can see her walking up to the house and the flyers in the windshield reflection!!! 
It was a GREAT night!! I wish Pam and Olivia could join in the fun all the time!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are You Kidding Me????


Are you kidding me????? 
1. Because it's soooooooo cold out that I had to wear a jacket, neck wrap, and headband!! I live in FL!! It shouldn't be THIS cold out:)

2. And I'm alone again during my route! This week has been a sad week-- I miss my friends:) 


Who Is That?


You might be asking yourself after looking at this picture, "Who is that?"
Well... it's the CANNING KING, Jared! He's still part of the Canning Crew!!! It's difficult for him to join in the routes or bike rides because of his work schedule. However, that doesn't stop him from finding cans!!! While meeting his wife, Kates, for lunch, he spotted a can near the restaurant!

But he didn't pick it up! I did:) I was meeting both of them for lunch-LOL!

I love that we can meet each other during lunch or for a walk. My favorite part is that no matter when we are together, the Canning Crew always finds cans:) LOOOOOOOOOVE it!