Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Three Days Worth

3/7, 8, 11/13

Well.. we're behind in posting again! LOL! So I figured I would share three days worth of routes and pictures with you:)

Tami I got together for a RANDOM Thursday night route! We usually can't do Thursday because of worship practice, but this week I was off! So we headed out and did the route. It was a quick route so I only got one pic-- this is Tami at one of our favorite stops. 
This family bags the cans and usually gives us 2 bags every two weeks. HOOOOOOORAY for their donation to C4C!

Olsen and I went canning together today. It was cold out so I tried to hustle while canning by myself. I did catch Olsen intently looking for the "black cat"-- there is ALWAYS {or usually} a black cat running across the road somewhere during our Friday route. He goes NUTS in the truck and tries to get the cat (even though he can't get through the window that's cracked). It's kind of funny! Today there was NO CAT! So he was going nuts trying to find it! LOL!
Look at him staring out the window looking for the cat! LOL! 

Monday night route! GOOOOOOOOOD times:) Kates and I went today. I only got two photos-- we spotted a can in the regular side ditch, and Kates went out to get it.... but I didn't see her after awhile. She was missing!
I tried to get a pic of her missing-- but she was too quick for me! I caught her coming out of the woods!

But she came back-- with more than one can:) Our "catchphrase" is still true-- "Where there is one... there are MORE!" Good eye, Kates:)

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