Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Canning While On Vacation

8/27-31/12 continued
Travis and I took a week vacation and left canning in our friends' hands! I was told that while on vacation I couldn't think of canning or ANYTHING to do with cans. OH MY! That was super hard! Especially since the first thing I saw while in Freeport, Bahamas was a.....CRUSHED CAN!!!!!!
Then while Trav and I were walking to the beach, we saw another can.
I love this photo--I'm not even pointing to the can! LOL!

And another! There were SOOOOOOO many behind that fence!
Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to bring these cans back on the cruise boat:( Actually, we never tried to take them back on the boat--Trav wouldn't let me put the cans in our backpack. LOL!

So I gave up looking for cans since I knew I couldn't do anything about it. But I found ANOTHER can on the upper deck of the boat one night! LOL! 
I can't go on vacation from canning! I loooooooooove collecting cans and finding them everywhere:) 

Thanks to Kates and Tami for collecting this week while we were gone!!! We are so thankful for your help and dedication to the "canning crew" and C4C!!! 

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