Saturday, September 22, 2012

Late Night Canning


We had a great day of worship today (Trav and I lead some of our favorite songs! Best worship we've had together!)!! It was a pretty lazy day after church--didn't think we would do much. But after our Sunday afternoon nap (usually 3 or 4 hours), we decided to go for a bike ride.

It was just Trav and I, but we had a great time. And we didn't do too bad for just biking around our neighborhood! 
**NOTE:: you might be wondering why my eyes look buggy in this photo...we biked about five miles and it was late. I asked Trav if we could take a picture even though I knew it was getting dark. He agreed but I could tell that he just wanted to get inside the house; so instead of taking five different shots, we only took ONE! And this is what we got! LOL!

Miles: about 5 (I actually forget the real total!)
Bags: 1

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