Friday, January 4, 2013

2013 Goals for Cans4Christ


As the new year starts...
 Cans4Christ has reflected on the past year (actually only 10 months). We have come up with some goals for our blog and ministry. 

Cans4Christ Blog Goals: 

  • Scheduled posts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday-- it's best for our followers to know when we will be posting (I will do my best at this goal!!)! **NOTE: I can only post if there is something to write about...hopefully we will have crushing parties, recycling routes, and recycling center trips to tell you about on a weekly basis! :)
  • Up-to-Date posts-- I've received some feedback about how "behind" I am on posting events/etc. It's easier to post if I have material! LOL! However, I cannot be behind like I have been! 
Cans4Christ Ministry Goals: 
  • Frequent updates at church-- I would love to speak about our totals or events monthly.
  • Compromise-- Trav and I need to work out a schedule that fits for collecting cans and recycling.
  • Volunteers-- we really need to find more volunteers that would help collect in NP or take cans to the recycling center.
  • FAC Recycling Day-- Kates and I have talked about having a recycling day at the church quarterly....details need to be worked out.
I am overwhelmed with the success of our first year with Cans4Christ. I never thought this is how big we could get or would be!!! I look forward to seeing the recycled totals grow!! I also am excited to see where God takes us in 2013! 

1 comment:

concettaz said...

Sigh. I wrote a long comment, but I think it got lost in the blog-o-sphere.
If you didn't get it, let me know.