Monday, November 26, 2012

Another Amendment

11/05/12 with a 10/28/12 Amendment

We've had to amend only one of the Cans4Christ blog posts (click HERE) because of an injury to my front bike basket. Well, we need to amend a bit of last Wednesday's post {HERE}. 

In this particular post, I said that we had a GREAT time on our ride....and while we did enjoy ourselves (and collect 3 bags of cans!!!).... we went a little too far in the woods! Below is a picture of what I got on this ride: a bunch of "sand burs" (be sure to read THIS post for an explanation of this "funny"). 

And here's a picture of Trav in the woods (and I might add that he constantly goes further in the woods than this pic shows!! Usually down on his knees.... crawling around...."going to the ends of the Earth for cans"!).
So what is the amendment??? We didn't go 5.53 miles with only scratches and itches from sand spurs/burs....Trav got a nasty infection from POISON IVY/OAK!!!! The picture below shows what it looked like after a couple of days. I told him he HAD to get some medicine.... three days later, he finally got some Calamine lotion for it. 
But look at it NOW-- about a week later!!! SOOOOOOO gross!! We think we might have to make an amendment to the Cans4Christ motto (or favorite saying) "We go to the ends of the Earth for cans!!"
Sorry for the horrible pics! This is the largest area on his leg--it's bubbled and HUGE! Sooooo gross!
You can kind of see the other large area on his ankle. EWWWW! 

I feel horrible for Trav:( 

Miles: 5.53
Injuries: only scratches and itches from sand spurs/burs **AMENDMENT- and a BAD case of Poison Ivy/Oak
Bags: three

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