Monday, October 29, 2012

Crushing, Containers, and Pizza


Looks like it's time again to have a crushing party!!! 
In the photo above, you might see some large containers. Canning President Kates called us one day saying her workplace was getting rid of them. We knew we would and could use we loaded them up and brought them home. They probably sat in our driveway for three weeks, but  tonight we are going to use them!!!

First we crushed some cans.
And then we loaded them in a bin and dumped them into the new containers! PERFECT!! This container holds WAY more cans than we normally can get into a bag. This is a HUGE help! 
And afterwards....PIZZA:) We always have to have something to eat after working out and crushing so many cans. Too bad we didn't have some Pepsi (in cans of course!!!) to go along with our dinner! Next time:)

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