Monday, October 1, 2012

Regular Route With Friends and Funnies

9/17/12 continued

After this morning's missed points (click HERE to read all about it), I was ready for the Monday Night Regular Route!!! I just love getting together with my friends (click HERE to read about it! LOL!). 

Tonight's route started off earlier than normal... Kates and I decided to take our dogs on a walk again. They love getting together as much as I love getting together with my friends! And then Tami joined in the fun, only she didn't walk-- she rode her bike because she has a broken toe! I love Tami's dedication to Cans4Christ!!! 

We loaded up around 6:30pm and headed out. Nothing unusual about this route... we did everything the same. However, we had some funnies happen while out and about. 

Funny #1: I forget that our truck has automatic locks and child locks (is that what's it called?) in the back. Every time we got out to collect cans, Tami was stuck in the vehicle! OH MY! It was super funny because she was already "slow" due to her broken toe and then she was slower because she couldn't get out. And I would giggle every time (probably because I was embarrassed that I forgot to unlock the doors and because it was funny) which made me not get any work done! 
Funny #2: Tami and her toe! NOTE: I get pretty grossed out when I see blood or someone in pain (like a cast, surgery, etc.). She was talking about how black/blue her toe was and that she had a picture of it but then she whips it out after we got back into the truck! I about threw up! I could feel her pain! OH MY! Actually, this wasn't a was more gross than anything... but we still laughed! 
Technically- a broken toe didn't slow Tami down! Here's a picture of her working hard and talking about how she was going to show us her toe when we got back in the truck! The picture is blurred because I was laughing and walking. 

Funny #3: SNAKES! We saw so many snakes on our route tonight....ewwww! They are not funny but we accidently drove over one and Tami was so interested and taking pictures [see below] that I couldn't help but laugh (and gag! Snakes freak me out just like cuts/bruises/etc.!). 
If you look closely, you can see where we ran it over. EWWWWWWWWW!

Our normal route takes about an hour...tonight we got home 30 minutes late! It was super dark when we got home! But a good time was had by all, except the snake:)

**NOTE:: I know that most of our stories are funny only if you were there...maybe next time I can record (voice or video) our route! OH MY! I would be rolling on the floor!


Unknown said...

Is the next funny about how Travis honked at u & started to drive away while u were picking up golf guys cans? LOL

Unknown said...

Is the next funny about how Travis honked at u & started to drive away while u were picking up golf guys cans? LOL